Nations Are Gathering Against God’s People -Episode 233

Jan 20, 2025

Psalm 2 states, “The kings of the earth take their stand … against the Lord and against His Anointed.” So there should be no confusion about the conflict happening in the world. The Kingdom of God is coming, and many governments are standing against it. Yet God’s Kingdom is the answer for the world, and our focus is not on the conflict but on the solution. Father, Your Kingdom come, and Your will be done on the earth.

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Show Notes:

When a country goes through a change of government, it can experience turmoil. This concept helps us understand what is happening on a global scale today. The entire world is experiencing a governmental changeover as the Kingdom of God comes into the earth. And the reaction of many nations to the Kingdom of God is to reject it. They reject the laws, the conditions, and the requirements of God’s Kingdom. And so a battle ensues.

We need to understand the nature of this battle. There are many wars and rumors of wars in the world today, but the prophecies in Scripture are not about random nations fighting one another. The war against the Kingdom is the war of nations against the Jewish people. That is why we are seeing so many attacks against Israel and against Jews worldwide. It is because they are the representatives of God’s Kingdom. Israel is where the Kingdom will come on the earth, and the Jews are the people from whom it manifests.

We must stay focused on what God is doing and stay free from the negativity generated by the hostility of nations against Him and His people. God’s purpose is not to bring war but to fulfill the promised blessings of His Kingdom. We might see many negative events in the days ahead, but it is important that we remember how it all turns out. Many nations and people will go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, to learn His ways and never again learn war. That is the focus of the last days, not the negative. That is our faith and intercession for His Kingdom to come.

Key Verses:

  • Philippians 2:10–11. “Every knee will bow … and … every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.”
  • Psalm 2:1–3. “The kings of the earth take their stand … against the Lord and against His Anointed.”
  • John 4:22. “Salvation is from the Jews.”
  • Psalm 2:4–12. “I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance.”
  • Matthew 24:6. “You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars.”
  • Isaiah 34:1–3. “The Lord’s indignation is against all the nations.”
  • Isaiah 2:1–4. “The law will go forth from Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”


  • “The nations are in an uproar. Why? Because the Kingdom of God is drawing nearer and nearer.”
  • “I think we’re at the time where the nations have chosen and taken their stand against the Lord and against His anointed.”
  • “The wars will pass away. The rumors of wars will pass away. And as the Kingdom of God sets in, no longer will nation lift up its sword against another nation.”


  1. What we are witnessing in the world is a governmental changeover, and that is the Kingdom of God coming into the earth. This is not an easy transition as many nations, governments, and peoples will resist submitting to His Lordship.
  2. The focus of resistance and opposition to the Kingdom of God is and always has been the Jewish people because the Kingdom manifests from them. That is why we see increasing attacks against them and against the Jewish homeland of Israel.
  3. If the nations were able to bring peace and justice and solutions to the world’s problems, they would have done so by now. The Kingdom of God has the answers that mankind has been seeking, and we should excitedly await and strive to be a part of it.
  4. We must not let our hearts become fearful or let our spirits faint. Let us proclaim His Word to break the lies that come against God’s people and against His land. Let us pray that the truth of His justice and His love be known and that His government prevails.

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