The Lesson of Pharaoh -Episode 234

Jan 27, 2025

When judgment happens, do not blame it on God or on those who are serving God. Blame it on those who like Pharaoh refuse time and time again to humble their hearts, who refuse to open their hearts to receive the things of God and His truth, and who never stop in their commitment to destroy God’s people and His creation.

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Show Notes:

The Israelites learned the lesson of Pharaoh. And we need to learn that lesson or we will misinterpret God’s judgments. Why did God bring judgment after judgment on Egypt? It was because Pharaoh kept refusing the will of God to let the people of Israel go. Pharaoh kept refusing to let his power over Israel be displaced by God. This is the reason God ultimately moves in judgment. It is the refusal of rulers to let their kingdoms be displaced by the Kingdom of God.

Make no mistake, those who are fighting the Kingdom will not stop. Those who are dedicated to the destruction of Israel will never stop. Evil rulers will never stop controlling and oppressing people. Satan will never stop in his drive to destroy all flesh. People accuse God of being full of wrath and indignation. But God’s indignation is simply His response after His long-suffering has delayed judgment until it cannot be delayed any longer. He is a God of peace. But He will use whatever indignation is necessary to stop the destruction of His creation.

Do not think there is a solution for this world other than the Kingdom of God. It must come, and it must be complete. And it will come at the elimination of every kingdom that is driven by satan to refuse God’s Kingdom. We will not have a righteous world until we have a righteous King. We will not have justice until we have a righteous Judge over all the earth. And this is what is beginning to happen. The Kingdom of God is coming, and we should continue to pray for His Kingdom to come.

Key Verses:

  • James 2:13. “Mercy triumphs over judgment.”
  • Philippians 2:9–11. “EVERY KNEE WILL BOW … and … every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.”
  • Isaiah 34:1–3. “For the LORD’s indignation is against all the nations.”
  • Matthew 21:33–41. “When the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those vine-growers?”
  • Mark 13:20. “No life would have been saved.”
  • Joel 3:9–17. “Prepare a war; rouse the mighty men!”
  • Exodus 10:1–3. “How long will you refuse to humble yourself before Me?”
  • Romans 1:18–32. “God gave them over to a depraved mind.”


  • “God is going to set up His Kingdom. And the end-time and the struggles of the end-time are all surrounding that reality that the Kingdom of God will be set up.”
  • “I don’t care what the problem is. There is no solution other than the righteous King of all the earth coming to rule and reign over all the earth.”
  • “People are moving with a hard heart. Their minds are filled with futility. They’re darkened in their understanding. But that’s a result of their actions, not a result of God’s actions.”


  1. Just like Pharaoh, satan will never quit. Pharaoh was bent on the destruction of Israel, and today the nations are bent on the destruction of Israel. Those wicked nations that are refusing the Kingdom of God are taking it out on Israel.
  2. These nations will not stop this pursuit until they have brought complete destruction because their minds are filled with deception, their hearts are hardened, and they cannot understand the truth any longer.
  3. The lesson of Pharaoh is that you cannot negotiate with someone who desires nothing but your destruction. And that is who satan is. You can never negotiate with him. He is not going to be saved. He is on one course and one course only: your destruction.
  4. We have to reach into the Lord and His salvation, His truth, His righteousness, and His justice because God is getting ready to move.

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