Willing to Do God’s Will – Episode 11

Oct 27, 2020

God cannot make us do His will because He created us with free will—the ability to choose His way or another. However, we can invite God to empower us by submitting our will to Him.

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Show Notes:

God looks for people who will obey Him with their whole heart. However, this capability is something we struggle to do on our own. In this episode, you will learn a simple prayer and process to be equipped to do God’s will.


To be like Christ means that we come and present ourselves willing to do His will.”


Yeshua (Jesus) leads by example in His prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. He yields His preferred outcome in order to walk in the will of God.


Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me;

yet not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42).


When we present our will to the Father, He then shapes and forms it. He cannot shape our will without our invitation, because God will not contradict free will.


“We have to give God our will. We have to will it. God gave us free will.”


Key Verses:

  • Hebrews 10:5-7
    • Yeshua came to do the Father’s will


  • Psalm 40:6-8
    • God does not require sacrifice
    • The desire to do His will can be presented to Him


  • Philippians 2:13
    • It is God’s work in us to will His will


  • Matthew 26:39, Luke 22:41-42
    • Yeshua (Jesus) surrendered His will to the Father and asked for the Father’s will instead


  • Romans 12:1-2
    • We are to present ourselves as living sacrifices so that we can know God’s will



  • “Do not just try to be obedient. You have to have your will reformed, remodeled, refashioned by God Himself. Obedience is something that will follow.”
  • “What did the Lord teach us about prayer? He wants us to present our will to the Father and have Him craft our will to be His will.”
  • “God is at work. All we have to do is willingly give Him our will.”



  • God will never violate our free will
  • We must grant Him permission to work in us to conform our will to His will
  • Ask and keep on asking God to work His will in you

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