Love That Changes Your Life

Dec 27, 2021 | Blog

Everything that is happening in the world today magnifies the absolute need for the sons of God to be manifested at this time (Romans 8:19-21). We are to mature into “the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13).[1] So when we talk about sonship, we are referring to the completion of this maturing process in the life of a believer. God wants us to be the answer for the world. The Scriptures are clear about this, so what holds it back? The reason we do not see more of a manifestation of these mature sons and daughters is because of our inability to receive God’s love.


If you could just receive a fraction of God’s love for you, you would never have a problem with yourself again. I guarantee that the answer to whatever you need is in your ability to open your heart to His tremendous love. When the Lord appears to you, you should be blown away by His overwhelming love for you, even if He corrects you. Instead, you are stuck with an inability to receive it. Do you realize what a lie of satan that is? Everything in God works through love, “for God is love” (1 John 4:8). Even if you see a promise in the Scriptures, it is difficult to appropriate it if you cannot accept the Father’s intense love for you. Unless you are overwhelmed by how much God loves you personally, your faith is limited because faith works through love (Galatians 5:6).


When Yeshua (Jesus) healed people, He said, “It shall be done to you according to your faith” (Matthew 9:29). You may think, “I need more faith!” But the truth is that you need to simply receive God’s love for you. Really grapple with that! You have plenty of faith; it only takes faith the size of a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20). If you received salvation, then you have faith because to receive salvation you must believe in the blood of Christ and what He did for you. God has provided everything—but when you refuse to receive it, you hurt Him. Instead, you need to take down every wall of resistance and open up to His love. If you are not seeing God’s promises fulfilled in your life, know that it is directly related to your inability to receive His love for you personally.


God loves us beyond our comprehension; it cannot even be described in human words. Obviously, we love Him and we know in a measure that He loves us, but there is a vast difference between God’s divine love and our human love. Yeshua made this clear when He talked to Peter (John 21:15-17). We can only love others because we receive His love first (1 John 4:19). God’s love is intimidating because it means we have to get rid of our thoughts and emotions about ourselves and others. We can tolerate human love because it does not pound down our walls. But even on a human level, when someone loves you with a spark of divine love, it changes your life. Still, I can only love you as much as I love myself (Matthew 22:39).


Human love fails, but God’s love never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8). His love is forever, even when we hurt and offend Him. I do not want a mental acceptance of God’s love; I want to know and receive in my heart the love that God has for me (1 John 4:16). I want “to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge” (Ephesians 3:19). Everything is provided if we can receive His love. It seems impossible, “but with God all things are possible”(Matthew 19:26). As you seek Him with all your heart, you will find the ability to open up to His love (Jeremiah 29:13). Act on this! The future of the world is dependent on knowing the fullness of the Father’s love for humanity.


[1] All Scripture references are from the New American Standard Bible 1995 (NASB1995).

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