You Have a Purpose in This Generation – Episode 129

Jan 30, 2023

Have you ever thought, “There were so many great times of God’s moving in which I could have been born. I could have lived when Yeshua (Jesus) was on the earth and been one of His disciples. Why did I wind up in this generation?” Believe me, God did not make a mistake. You are not here by accident. You are in the right place at the right time, and He is preparing you to be part of accomplishing His plan and purpose in this generation.


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None of us would question that there was a purpose in the life of Yeshua. None of us would question the fact that there was a reason behind the life of the disciples. It is easy for us to recognize that God had a purpose for them, that God was planning their lives, that God was making their steps to be what they needed to be in order for them to be usable in His plan. Yet it is difficult for us to recognize that God is doing the same with us.


God has a purpose in this generation, and it is not by accident that you are a part of this generation. God has placed you here because it is His will and His heart to use you, to use me, to use the Body of Christ as those who will accomplish His will in the earth. Connect with this reality in your relationship with God. Pray, “Father, You brought me into this earth during these days, during this generation. Just as You carefully led and worked with those I read about in the Scriptures, You are leading and working with me.”


God will do many things in this generation. And I think we need the attitude that this may be the greatest generation that has ever walked the face of the earth as far as serving God is concerned. He is working with you. He is creating you. His salvation is something that was provided for you specifically, and connecting with that personal focus of God in your life is essential to grow and mature and move into the reason God has you here.


Key Verses:


  • 1 Corinthians 15:8. “Last of all, as to one untimely born, He appeared to me also.”
  • Acts 13:36. “David … served the purpose of God in his own generation.”
  • Exodus 3:4–10. “I will send you to Pharaoh, so that you may bring My people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt.”
  • Luke 1:38. “Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word.”
  • Hebrews 5:8. “He learned obedience from the things which He suffered.”
  • Matthew 6:10. “Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”




  • “There’s got to be something of a trust in God and a trust in His plan, and a trust in His purposes for us as individuals.”
  • “God will do many things in this generation. And I think we need that attitude: this may be the greatest generation that has ever walked the face of the earth as far as serving God is concerned.”
  • “This is your moment. God has a plan and purpose for you. He will use you to do great things for His Kingdom.”




  1. God is our Father. He does not send us unprepared into the things that He is commissioning us or directing us to do. He has not only prepared a generation for us to walk in, He has prepared us for that generation.
  2. There was much that Christ experienced. There was much that Moses experienced. All those we read of in the Scriptures who were mightily used by God went through many things that are not outlined in the Scriptures. They went through much in the way of preparation, and I believe we are experiencing that same thing.
  3. He is preparing us and equipping us to carry the anointing and the gifts that He has in His will for each one of us and how we will impact this earth and this age. We are here like David to serve the purposes of God in our generation.


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