Our God Is One    

Our God Is One    

When Christ came and dwelled among us, He was the Word of God made flesh (John 1:1, 14). This idea of recognizing the presence of God in relationship to His Word is absolutely necessary for us. God and His Word are one. It is only when you really look at Immanuel,...
The Feast of Joy

The Feast of Joy

The Feast of Tabernacles is also referred to as the Feast of the Lord, which shows us how important this celebration is. It is a time of rejoicing when we are to be altogether joyful. The whole point of living for seven days in simple shelters—booths or tabernacles—is...
The Final Deliverance

The Final Deliverance

The Feast of Atonement or Yom Kippur is pertinent to our lives as Christians because it deals with our total deliverance from any duality of nature and the sin that dwells within us. In Leviticus 16:29–33, we see an amazing picture of two goat sacrifices. Aaron...
When God Comes Down

When God Comes Down

Nothing takes place without the Lord’s presence. When God met Moses at the burning bush in the wilderness, He said, “I have surely seen the affliction of My people who are in Egypt, and have given heed to their cry because of their taskmasters, for I am aware of their...
Your Greatest Enemy

Your Greatest Enemy

We live in a generation of destiny where God is looking for much to happen. But how do we walk in that destiny if we really do not understand the Lord when He speaks? Read the account of Yeshua (Jesus) in the boat with His disciples as they went to the other side of...