Christ Our Tabernacle

Christ Our Tabernacle

The Feast of Tabernacles is one of the significant feasts that God proclaimed His people should keep unto all generations (Leviticus 23:41). As we come to Tabernacles, we are looking forward to the great purpose of God in the earth: His presence dwelling among His...
The Entire Removal of Sin

The Entire Removal of Sin

Atonement is one of the greatest experiences yet to happen for God’s people—for both the Jewish world and the Body of Christ. In Judaism, the Day of Atonement is a solemn gathering and a time of humbling their hearts with prayer and fasting. Moses commanded, “For it...
New Feeding for a New Day

New Feeding for a New Day

Whenever God leads His people into a new day, His provision to feed them changes. The instant a child is born, it has to find a new way of feeding. It is no longer attached to the umbilical cord that fed it in the womb for nine months. The cord is cut off at birth...
Enter His Rest Today

Enter His Rest Today

When God created the world, He put such a tremendous force of power and energy into that creation that it kept going by itself. God does not have to wake up in the morning to make the sun come up. The sun will come up because it is part of what He created. God simply...
That They May All Be One

That They May All Be One

The night before the crucifixion, Christ prayed, “That they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me” (John 17:21).1 We know that Yeshua (Jesus) asked the Father for this...