You Are the Ark of God

You Are the Ark of God

In the wilderness, the Israelites lived in the presence of God continually. The glory of God rested over the Ark of the Covenant, and it rested over His people. They were identified with the glory of God’s presence that was physically visible to them in a cloud by day...
When You Mature Another Will Lead You

When You Mature Another Will Lead You

If you read about Peter in the Gospels, you realize that he had many motivations for what he was expecting to get out of being a disciple. When the Lord told His disciples that it was necessary for Him to die in Jerusalem, Peter rebuked Him saying, “‘God forbid it,...
Christ Canceled the Decree of Death

Christ Canceled the Decree of Death

As a highly trained Jew, Paul understood how the Hebrew Scriptures pointed to Christ. Writing to the Colossians, he used the terminology of Purim from the book of Esther to describe our salvation experience.   “When you were dead in your transgressions and the...
End the Threat of Death

End the Threat of Death

The work of the cross and the resurrection of Christ are exactly like the Feast of Purim. In the story of Esther, the Jewish people were to be annihilated. Haman had the king’s signet ring and was completely in charge—that is, until the authority and power of that...
Healings, Miracles, or a Relationship?

Healings, Miracles, or a Relationship?

When Christ walked on the earth, crowds of people followed Him for the healings they needed or the miracles they wanted to see. They pursued Him for the fish and barley loaves without realizing where the flow of life was coming from (John 6:2-13). That is still true...