Draw Me Into Your Arms

Draw Me Into Your Arms

I have a deep cry in my heart that yearns to see a transformation and removal of my adamic nature. I know the ability to change only comes from God through His grace, but there needs to be a human hunger and pursuit of it as well. In reading the Beatitudes, one verse...
What Will You Choose?

What Will You Choose?

It is true that at some point you will either experience life after death in the presence of the Father, or you will face eternal death away from His presence. So the question is, “Are you prepared?” What have you chosen as your eternal life experience? I know the...
God Gave You the Gift of a Free Will

God Gave You the Gift of a Free Will

When God created man in His own image, He created a will. Your will, essentially, is you. You were born into this earth as a free will and that is what you have control over. Yeshua (Jesus) came and willed to do the will of the Father. He said, “I do not seek My own...
Salvation for the World

Salvation for the World

When you think about salvation for the world, you realize that it needs to happen on a global level, and it needs to happen soon. The things of the Kingdom accelerate as they move forward. And we know that God “will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness”...
Love That Changes Your Life

Love That Changes Your Life

Everything that is happening in the world today magnifies the absolute need for the sons of God to be manifested at this time (Romans 8:19-21). We are to mature into “the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13).[1] So when we...