Our Oneness – The Measure of His Glory

Our Oneness – The Measure of His Glory

If you look around the landscape of Christianity today you may wonder, “How will we ever become one?” Our oneness is important because the oneness of the Body of Christ will be a sign of the Lord’s return. In His prayer to the Father, Yeshua (Jesus) said, “The glory...
Exchange Your Paradigm for His Truth

Exchange Your Paradigm for His Truth

A paradigm is a belief or a way of looking at something. It usually includes concepts that you have developed in great detail over the years. If you are driving fast and the car in front of you suddenly stops, your mind instantly responds. You know what is going to...
The Oath

The Oath

Everything in the Bible from Abraham up to the return of Christ is about an oath. God promised to bless Abraham, make his name great, and bless all the families of the earth through him (Genesis 12:2-3). Further, “the Lord appeared to Abram and said, ‘To your...
Draw Me Into Your Arms

Draw Me Into Your Arms

I have a deep cry in my heart that yearns to see a transformation and removal of my adamic nature. I know the ability to change only comes from God through His grace, but there needs to be a human hunger and pursuit of it as well. In reading the Beatitudes, one verse...
What Will You Choose?

What Will You Choose?

It is true that at some point you will either experience life after death in the presence of the Father, or you will face eternal death away from His presence. So the question is, “Are you prepared?” What have you chosen as your eternal life experience? I know the...