Our Blog
In a Day It Will Happen
I have so much anticipation for the Day of Atonement! Also known as Yom Kippur, it is the highest holy day of the year on the Jewish calendar. On this day, the High Priest made an atoning sacrifice for sin to restore the relationship between God and His people (Leviticus...
Judaism Is a Love Relationship
Judaism was born out of a deep love relationship between the Holy One of Israel and His covenant people (Isaiah 49:7). God loved the fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and He loves their children, the Jewish people. One of my biggest heartbreaks comes when I hear people talk...
Trees Have Healing Qualities
God in His goodness created wholesome food to sustain, nourish, and heal our physical bodies. Part of this diet includes “every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you” (Genesis 1:29).[i] When Ezekiel saw a vision of water flowing from the Temple, he...
We Are Ambassadors of God’s Love
Yeshua (Jesus) has an amazing destiny for your life! To be aligned with His purpose, you must have a drive to know God and receive a deep experience of His love for you. As the apostle of love reminds us, “We love, because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19).[i] When you are...
God Is a Will
What is God? He is a will. The whole earth and all creation were created because God said, “Let there be …” (Genesis 1:3).[i] You can rephrase that. God said, “I will that there be light. I will that there be the earth” (see Genesis 1:3, 10). Everything about God is His will....
The Rich Root of the Olive Tree
The book of Isaiah contains a beautiful passage about the restoration of Judah, a prophecy that we see being fulfilled in the nation of Israel today. “The surviving remnant of the house of Judah will again take root downward and bear fruit upward.” (Isaiah 37:31)[i] Why is...
Imagine That!
Nothing is stronger than your imagination. You can use your imagination in a very positive sense to bring yourself into the presence of the Lord. Focus on how wonderful He is, how much He loves you, and how He wants to be with you. Read His Word prayerfully and picture yourself...
Believe in God’s Goodness
We know God is love, but I want you to see that God is also good—really good! His very personality is goodness and everything He does and everything He creates is good because He puts Himself into it. After bringing forth life and vegetation on the earth, “God saw all that He...
Should Christians Evangelize the Jewish People?
I want to open our hearts concerning the relationship Christianity should have with the Jewish people. Abraham believed God “and He reckoned it to him as righteousness” (Genesis 15:6).[i] According to the Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon, the Hebrew word for...
You Are the Throne Room of God
You know that “God sits on His holy throne” (Psalms 47:8),[i] but I want you to recognize that our hearts are His throne room. Christ dwells in and among each one of us: “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst” (Matthew 18:20). In...
Save the Children
Yeshua (Jesus) was asked: “Who is my neighbor?” and He responded with a parable. A man was left by the side of the road after being robbed and beaten. No one helped him until the Good Samaritan came near, saw his great need, and had compassion on him. He bound up the stranger’s...
Judaism’s Heart of Inclusion
As Christians, we know that God has a heart of inclusion. We must realize that He is both our Father and the Father of the Jewish people. In His covenant promises to the Jews, He said, “It is impossible for Me to break My covenant with these people. As long as the sun comes up...
God’s Love for His People
God, Who is love, wants His children to love each other. We are to reflect our Father’s exact nature. Even our faith works through this deep expression of love (see Galatians 5:6). Our fervent love for God and His children includes a deep love and acceptance for all of Israel...
Bridging Understanding Between Christians and Jews
Over 3,000 years ago, God promised the Land of Israel to Abraham and his descendants forever (Genesis 12:7; Luke 1:55). Israel today is a land of miracles. Many of the battles and wars since Israel’s independence in 1948 can only be explained by God’s faithfulness to His...
Do You Hunger to Know God?
Have you ever experienced a deep hunger to know God in all of His love, power, and righteousness? You can cultivate your hunger for God. God moves by the principle of hunger. Did your mother tell you not to eat before dinner because it would spoil your appetite? If you feed on...
For the Sake of Our Brothers and Friends
As members of the Body of Christ, we must recognize that in the heart of Israel there is a sincere love for the Arab nations. You cannot say that Arabs are against peace, nor can you say Israelis are against peace. Instead, you must recognize that there are radical elements who...
God’s Lovingkindness Is Everlasting
Our Father loves us! God is love and everything He does is good and is filled with His love (1 John 4:16). As the psalmist says, “His lovingkindness is everlasting” (Psalm 136:1). God is so in love with all the people of the world that He sent His Son to free us “that whoever...
Simple, Childlike Faith
I want you to have a simple meeting with God that will change your life. It has to be very personal to you. It cannot be what someone else experienced; it must be your experience. “The whole earth is full of His glory” (Isaiah 6:3).[i] We are headed for some fantastic days and...