Our Blog

Am I Committed to Unity?

Am I Committed to Unity?

It is time for the great witness of the Messiah Yeshua to come forth in the earth, and according to His prayer in John 17, that witness is a result of the oneness of the Body of Christ.   “… that they may all be one; just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they...

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We Prepare to Enter the Presence of the King

We Prepare to Enter the Presence of the King

The Feast of Purim, also known as the Feast of Esther, is a time of great celebration in which the Jewish people rejoice in God’s deliverance for them from death and destruction. Symbolically, this feast anticipates the final vanquishing of satan from the earth for all mankind....

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Worship That Brings His Presence

Worship That Brings His Presence

Yeshua (Jesus) taught His disciples to pray, “Our Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 6:9), and heaven is where our focus should be as well. The prayer life of most believers has been good, but God wants to replace it with the best. So He showed me that as we move into the spirit...

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Standing with Israel at Purim

Standing with Israel at Purim

On February 25, 2021, many Jews and their allies will be celebrating the Feast of Purim, a celebration that recognizes God’s deliverance for the Jewish people from genocide in Persia (Esther 9:20-22). In his jealousy and hatred of Mordecai, Haman summoned the royal scribes and...

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Breaking the Cycle of Poverty in Israel

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty in Israel

In the 1980s, Yad Eliezer opened its doors with the mission of meeting Israel’s growing needs. Now, more than four decades later, it is one of the nation’s leading poverty-relief initiatives, fighting diligently to help struggling families survive. With the help of volunteers...

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Until Christ Is Formed in You

Until Christ Is Formed in You

As followers of Christ, we know that the Word of God is essential to our spiritual growth. We must read it, study it, meditate on it, apply it, and live it.   “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in...

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The Land and Promise and Presence

The Land and Promise and Presence

I love the land of Israel. I do everything I can to visit as often as possible. If you have never experienced the Holy Land, I urge you to start planning to make the trip as soon as you can—because I am sure that once you have been there, you will be forever changed by the...

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Christ Saw You from the Cross

Christ Saw You from the Cross

While in a time of fasting and prayer some years ago, the Lord made real to me that as Christ went through the suffering of the cross, He saw the face of every human being who had ever been on the earth. He saw the face of every human being who was on the earth at that time. He...

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