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Hide in the Secret Place

Hide in the Secret Place

The tangible presence of the Lord surrounding us will be necessary as we walk through the days of trouble ahead. When an angry crowd was coming to take Yeshua (Jesus) and throw Him down a cliff, He walked through their midst and was gone (Luke 4:28–30). Yeshua was able to pass...

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Knowing the God of Promise

Knowing the God of Promise

We will walk like the men and women in the Bible walked (Hebrews 11:8–40). God gave them promises that in many ways did not seem to happen, so they could have felt mistreated. Consider what Moses and Joshua went through. They were told to lead the people from Egypt into the...

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Judgment Is Not Victory

Judgment Is Not Victory

Many Christians believe that we are in the last days preparatory to the return of Christ as King to the world. Part of the reality of His return is the judgments that are to come. One problem is that many Christian groups look for judgment as though it is a positive thing, but...

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Blessed with Every Spiritual Blessing

Blessed with Every Spiritual Blessing

What God says, He means. Not only does He mean it, but He is actually doing it and making it available to us. Paul writes to the faithful saints at Ephesus, “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 1:1–2).1 This impartation of grace and...

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You Must Appropriate Him

You Must Appropriate Him

We are blessed “with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” (Ephesians 1:3).1 We are heirs of the riches of His inheritance. God has given us everything; yet there seems to be so little of it available to us. Paul reminds us that when the heir is a child, he...

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Plug Into His Power

Plug Into His Power

God is emanating a power towards you. It is the same exact power that He used when He raised Yeshua (Jesus) from the dead; it is the power of resurrection. Like a laser beam, the Father focused this unbelievable power of God on the dead body of Yeshua and brought Him to life....

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God Accepts You

God Accepts You

If you can see that God accepts you and will never reject you, you will stand in His presence and be changed. God understands you and is aware of everything about you. Yet there is an inability in our carnal minds to really believe that the Lord accepts us.   O Lord, You...

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Finding the Real You

Finding the Real You

If there is a unique you that was created in the image of God, where does it exist? The teaching of spirit, soul, and body leads some Christians to say, “I’m a triune being like God, and so my spirit is in the image of God.” But that does not work for me. One of the biggest...

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Absolute Trust in Him

Absolute Trust in Him

As we walk with the Lord, we go through many things that take away from our ability to have a simple childlike trust. It is one thing to talk about loving the Lord, but it is almost more applicable to talk about trusting Him. You can love Yeshua (Jesus) and be distanced from...

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Only Believe!

Only Believe!

Whenever we face something that is new and different, fear is usually one of the first reactions that rises up in our hearts. Mark 5 tells the story of the synagogue official named Jairus whose daughter was sick to the point of death. He came to Yeshua (Jesus) and asked Him to...

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My Time of Delight

My Time of Delight

Our love for the Word of God is what ties our hearts together. Yeshua (Jesus) is the Word, and His Word is the manifestation of God to us. “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and...

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Remove the Leaven of Anti-Semitism

Remove the Leaven of Anti-Semitism

If you really want to see a powerful release of the Kingdom of God in this hour, prophesy the restoration of Israel and the Jewish people. God will restore Judah and Jerusalem to their rightful place (Joel 3:1-21). Whatever tragedies we have seen, whatever horrible events like...

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Throw It Overboard

Throw It Overboard

In nature and in the spirit realm, there is no such thing as a vacuum. Any emptiness is immediately filled. When Christ crucifies the flesh, the Holy Spirit fills and possesses the vacuum that is created (Romans 6:3-11). In the upper room the disciples realized that they had to...

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The Blind Men and the Elephant

The Blind Men and the Elephant

“The Blind Men and the Elephant” is a well-known folktale from India that gives us a picture of the Church today. According to the parable, there once were six blind men who had never experienced an elephant before and wanted to know the animal by touch. Each blind man felt a...

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They Will Flee Before You

They Will Flee Before You

Yeshua (Jesus) referred to satan as the ruler of this world when He said, “Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out” (John 12:31)1. Satan was kicked out of heaven and thrown down to the earth; he was not strong enough and there was no place...

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Pray That the World Respond Like Nineveh

Pray That the World Respond Like Nineveh

The story of Jonah is a dynamic lesson of guidance for us in these end times. Nowhere else in the Hebrew Scriptures do you have God telling a Jewish prophet to go minister to a Gentile nation. It shows how God is driven to minister to the world and bring His grace to them...

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His Redemption Creates Distinction

His Redemption Creates Distinction

God’s true purpose is to use His children to draw the rest of humanity to Himself. In a sense, you could say that God wants to make the world jealous by the way He treats you. He wants you to be a sign of being distinct from who and what they are. “You will again distinguish...

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Intensely Focused on Him

Intensely Focused on Him

Waiting on the Lord is very simply God’s turn to talk. It is not a passive thing. Rather, it is an intense listening that focuses on Him. We know how to pray, prophesy, and intercede. But waiting on the Lord is different. They are as distinct as day and night. Waiting on the...

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