Body of Christ, Wake Up!                                           

Mar 17, 2025 | Blog

The Body of Christ is to be a voice of authority to the world. We must move in the Word of power and authority that Yeshua (Jesus) told us we have (Luke 10:19). It is the authority to bind and loose, the authority to bring from the realm of spirit into manifestation the things of the Kingdom of God (Matthew 18:18). Even though satan is a defeated foe, he is determined to block God’s Kingdom from coming into manifestation. Therefore, the Body of Christ must be involved in this hour. However, some of our Church doctrines have lulled Christians to sleep and now is the time to wake up.

Can you explain to me how the Body of Christ will intercede for humanity if we are going to escape in a rapture as many Christians believe? For example, you could be burdened to pray for Daniel because he is in the lion’s den. But at some point, you would get tired, hungry, or distracted. It is one thing to pray for Daniel in the lion’s den. But it is another thing if you are Daniel facing those lions. Suddenly, you pray a lot differently: you do not get hungry, tired, or decide to take a nap. You never take your focus off what is ready to destroy you. But if you are not directly involved, it is hard to have the kind of focus and intensity needed to see things change.

The Holy Spirit was given to the Body of Christ to finalize what Christ began in seeing the manifestation of the Kingdom of God in this earth. God’s people need to be here on the earth as the voice that stands and takes authority in the name of the Lord. Instead of trying to be raptured out of something, the Church today could pray, “Father, by the blood of Christ, save humanity and turn the tide of satan’s plan. He is already a defeated foe, so we foil his plans—whether they be through leaders, nations, or presidents.” There must be a drive of intercession to see this happen. Many Christians are told in church, “Don’t worry because God is going to save us from all this.” But how is the Body of Christ ever going to rise up and be God’s instrument of intercession with that mentality?

When Peter and John were arrested, the early Church realized, “Now they are coming after us. Yeshua didn’t get raptured. He suffered.” They knew that whatever happened, they were going to experience it. So they lifted up their voices to God with one accord and prayed, “Lord, take note of their threats, and grant that Your bond-servants may speak Your word with all confidence, while You extend Your hand to heal, and signs and wonders take place through the name of Your holy servant Jesus.” After they had prayed, “The place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness” (Acts 4:29–31). They knew they were either going to suffer or they were going to change the situation.

The mighty Body of Christ is sleeping, but it must wake up. We must shake ourselves from the doctrines that deceive us into feeling that God will not let us experience suffering. Yeshua looked at His generation and prayed, “Father, forgive them” (Luke 23:34). So today let the cry of the Body of Christ be, “Father, forgive the entire world. Let them see You.” Our intercession by the power of the Holy Spirit is the answer.

[1] All Scripture references are from the New American Standard Bible 1995 (NASB1995).


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