Today, Step into His Glory

Today, Step into His Glory

The glory of God is the fullness of His presence. It cannot help but be creative and change things—it is God. We are transformed from glory to glory by being in the presence of our Father, and then we become transformational to everything around us. All creation “will...
A Day of Humility and Fasting

A Day of Humility and Fasting

Beginning at sundown on July 26, Jewish families around the world will commemorate the saddest day of the year on the Jewish calendar. Known as Tisha B’Av or the Ninth of Av, it is a day of mourning, fasting, and prayer. Many disastrous events are remembered on this...
Lord, Finish the Job!

Lord, Finish the Job!

I am so thankful that God counts us worthy of His dealings because it is a sign of His acceptance. The Lord loves and disciplines every son whom He receives (Hebrews 12:6). Consider the devastation the disciples went through when Yeshua (Jesus) was crucified and then...
Great Joy!

Great Joy!

A great deal of turmoil surrounds us today as God is bringing forth His Kingdom. The tactic of satan and the demonic realm is to wear down the saints of the Highest One and to make us want to give up. Daniel paints a bleak picture of our day, but then says, “The court...
Our Declaration of Independence

Our Declaration of Independence

On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress came together in Philadelphia to officially adopt the Declaration of Independence. The idea of declaring independence against the powerful British military probably looked ludicrous, but they did it. In a sense, it was...
What Is in Your Hand?

What Is in Your Hand?

When you live your life for God, your labor is not in vain in the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:58, KJV). You may get directions from Him about what to do or where to go and try to follow it. But when you do not see the desired result, you may wonder, “Did I miss the...