Absolute Trust in Him

Absolute Trust in Him

As we walk with the Lord, we go through many things that take away from our ability to have a simple childlike trust. It is one thing to talk about loving the Lord, but it is almost more applicable to talk about trusting Him. You can love Yeshua (Jesus) and be...
Only Believe!

Only Believe!

Whenever we face something that is new and different, fear is usually one of the first reactions that rises up in our hearts. Mark 5 tells the story of the synagogue official named Jairus whose daughter was sick to the point of death. He came to Yeshua (Jesus) and...
My Time of Delight

My Time of Delight

Our love for the Word of God is what ties our hearts together. Yeshua (Jesus) is the Word, and His Word is the manifestation of God to us. “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of...
Remove the Leaven of Anti-Semitism

Remove the Leaven of Anti-Semitism

If you really want to see a powerful release of the Kingdom of God in this hour, prophesy the restoration of Israel and the Jewish people. God will restore Judah and Jerusalem to their rightful place (Joel 3:1-21). Whatever tragedies we have seen, whatever horrible...
Throw It Overboard

Throw It Overboard

In nature and in the spirit realm, there is no such thing as a vacuum. Any emptiness is immediately filled. When Christ crucifies the flesh, the Holy Spirit fills and possesses the vacuum that is created (Romans 6:3-11). In the upper room the disciples realized that...
The Blind Men and the Elephant

The Blind Men and the Elephant

“The Blind Men and the Elephant” is a well-known folktale from India that gives us a picture of the Church today. According to the parable, there once were six blind men who had never experienced an elephant before and wanted to know the animal by touch. Each blind...