Hunger to Be in His Presence

Hunger to Be in His Presence

If you want to enter the presence of the Lord, you must have a hunger that drives you. Your hunger will focus your will because you enter into things of the spirit by your will. You will to do the will of God (John 7:17). When Yeshua (Jesus) came, He said, “I HAVE...
Judas and Esau Could No Longer Will the Will of God

Judas and Esau Could No Longer Will the Will of God

What happens when you lose the ability to control your will? At some point, you come to a place where it is impossible to change it. Something has been locked in. That is the warning I want you to get out of this message. The decisions you make today are extremely...
Want to Live? Forgive!

Want to Live? Forgive!

When Yeshua (Jesus) taught His disciples to pray, He told them to ask the Father for forgiveness in this way: “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” (Matthew 6:12).1 To understand this, we must have a deeper understanding of what God means by...
You Will See It with Your Eyes

You Will See It with Your Eyes

Many people have asked me, “What is waiting on the Lord?” Waiting on the Lord is an earnest expectation that anticipates moment by moment for the Word of God to become visible in the earth. We are waiting for the things that have been promised prophetically in God’s...
The Vision of a Mighty People

The Vision of a Mighty People

Moses is a highly revered figure in Judaism and throughout the Scriptures. As a strong leader, he moved in a tremendous anointing. But the disparity between the anointing that rested on Moses and that of the people who followed him was tremendous. Similarly,...
Repentance That Releases Understanding

Repentance That Releases Understanding

During the days of Daniel’s captivity in Babylon, he realized that he lacked understanding. So he gave his attention to seeking God with fasting, prayer, sackcloth and ashes (Daniel 9:2-3). In his repentance, Daniel focused his heart on God and on His Word. He had a...