And Justice for All

And Justice for All

During this time of turmoil and political unrest, the United States needs divine intervention. Our Founding Fathers recognized that God gave us favor and established this great nation. But now we are facing an important decision, “Do we live in the blessings,...
Fear Not, Little Flock

Fear Not, Little Flock

“The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life” (Proverbs 14:27).[i] This type of godly fear is best defined as “awe, reverence, or honor.” However, when Yeshua (Jesus) instructed His followers not to be fearful, He was talking about a fear that mistrusts the Father: “Do...
Fall at His Feet

Fall at His Feet

Worship will become the most important function of the Body of Christ. As Christ’s beauty and His wonder are unveiled to us, we will stand in His presence to worship Him as we have never dreamed possible. In awe we will sense God’s presence so much with us that, like...
Dancing with the Torah

Dancing with the Torah

At the close of Tabernacles, another joyful celebration begins. It is called Simchat Torah, and it means “rejoicing in the Torah.” A wonderful expression during this time is that someone takes the Torah scrolls and dances with them through the congregation. They say...
The Righteous Among the Nations

The Righteous Among the Nations

During the Holocaust, thousands of men and women had the extraordinary courage to stand up for righteousness and save the precious lives of Jewish people. These unsung heroes were common people, schoolteachers, nuns and priests, farmers, soldiers, mothers and fathers...
In a Day It Will Happen

In a Day It Will Happen

I have so much anticipation for the Day of Atonement! Also known as Yom Kippur, it is the highest holy day of the year on the Jewish calendar. On this day, the High Priest made an atoning sacrifice for sin to restore the relationship between God and His people...