Holocaust Remembrance Day

Holocaust Remembrance Day

Beginning at sunset on April 27th this year, Israel will hold memorial ceremonies throughout the country at schools, military bases, and places of business to recognize the heroes and martyrs of the Holocaust. Known as Yom HaShoah, this solemn national holiday has...
The Intimacy of Communion

The Intimacy of Communion

During the Passover meal, Yeshua (Jesus) initiated what we call the Communion. Imagine yourself sitting with Him and His disciples among the flickering oil lamps. Let the experience come alive for you as if you were reclining with them. Open your heart to receive...
This Passover Changes the World

This Passover Changes the World

Passover is the night of God’s miracles. It is the night of His authority. What happens on this night can only happen by the hand of God and by His sovereignty. I want us to feel a oneness with the Jewish people around the world as we enter in with them at this...
Reveal God’s Nature and Personality

Reveal God’s Nature and Personality

It is easy to look at world events and feel like we are gritting our teeth and hanging on to a rollercoaster ride. But God is trying to impart something different to us. We are not victims, and we are not without recourse. God is raising up a people who are going to...
You Are the Ark of God

You Are the Ark of God

In the wilderness, the Israelites lived in the presence of God continually. The glory of God rested over the Ark of the Covenant, and it rested over His people. They were identified with the glory of God’s presence that was physically visible to them in a cloud by day...
When You Mature Another Will Lead You

When You Mature Another Will Lead You

If you read about Peter in the Gospels, you realize that he had many motivations for what he was expecting to get out of being a disciple. When the Lord told His disciples that it was necessary for Him to die in Jerusalem, Peter rebuked Him saying, “‘God forbid it,...