Christ Canceled the Decree of Death

Christ Canceled the Decree of Death

As a highly trained Jew, Paul understood how the Hebrew Scriptures pointed to Christ. Writing to the Colossians, he used the terminology of Purim from the book of Esther to describe our salvation experience.   “When you were dead in your transgressions and the...
End the Threat of Death

End the Threat of Death

The work of the cross and the resurrection of Christ are exactly like the Feast of Purim. In the story of Esther, the Jewish people were to be annihilated. Haman had the king’s signet ring and was completely in charge—that is, until the authority and power of that...
Healings, Miracles, or a Relationship?

Healings, Miracles, or a Relationship?

When Christ walked on the earth, crowds of people followed Him for the healings they needed or the miracles they wanted to see. They pursued Him for the fish and barley loaves without realizing where the flow of life was coming from (John 6:2-13). That is still true...
The Root of Unbelief

The Root of Unbelief

So often we labor with a feeling of unbelief without understanding where unbelief really comes from. The disciples faced unbelief when Christ told them, “I’m going to suffer many things, be killed, and be raised up on the third day” (see Matthew 16:21). But they were...
Our Response to God’s Word

Our Response to God’s Word

When God makes His Word come alive in your heart, you must respond. Since we cannot fulfill that Word by our own energies or dead works, God has given us the tremendous outlet of worship. Like an explosion of our hearts back to Him, we can sing, “We believe Your...
Our Oneness – The Measure of His Glory

Our Oneness – The Measure of His Glory

If you look around the landscape of Christianity today you may wonder, “How will we ever become one?” Our oneness is important because the oneness of the Body of Christ will be a sign of the Lord’s return. In His prayer to the Father, Yeshua (Jesus) said, “The glory...