We Are Ambassadors of God’s Love

We Are Ambassadors of God’s Love

Yeshua (Jesus) has an amazing destiny for your life! To be aligned with His purpose, you must have a drive to know God and receive a deep experience of His love for you. As the apostle of love reminds us, “We love, because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19).[i] When you...
God Is a Will

God Is a Will

What is God? He is a will. The whole earth and all creation were created because God said, “Let there be …” (Genesis 1:3).[i] You can rephrase that. God said, “I will that there be light. I will that there be the earth” (see Genesis 1:3, 10). Everything about God is...
The Rich Root of the Olive Tree

The Rich Root of the Olive Tree

The book of Isaiah contains a beautiful passage about the restoration of Judah, a prophecy that we see being fulfilled in the nation of Israel today. “The surviving remnant of the house of Judah will again take root downward and bear fruit upward.” (Isaiah 37:31)[i]...
Imagine That!

Imagine That!

Nothing is stronger than your imagination. You can use your imagination in a very positive sense to bring yourself into the presence of the Lord. Focus on how wonderful He is, how much He loves you, and how He wants to be with you. Read His Word prayerfully and...
Believe in God’s Goodness

Believe in God’s Goodness

We know God is love, but I want you to see that God is also good—really good! His very personality is goodness and everything He does and everything He creates is good because He puts Himself into it. After bringing forth life and vegetation on the earth, “God saw all...
Should Christians Evangelize the Jewish People?

Should Christians Evangelize the Jewish People?

I want to open our hearts concerning the relationship Christianity should have with the Jewish people. Abraham believed God “and He reckoned it to him as righteousness” (Genesis 15:6).[i] According to the Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon, the Hebrew word...