Aliyah Programs: International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

The Aliyah programs include projects that have helped tens of thousands of Jewish immigrants settle into their new homes and integrate into Israeli society, providing assistance with developing or upgrading marketable skills, finding employment, and helping children adjust to a new school system.
Thus says the Lord GOD,
“Behold, I will lift up My hand to the nations
And set up My standard to the peoples;
And they will bring your sons in their bosom,
And your daughters will be carried on their shoulders.” (Isaiah 49:22)
When you support Hargrave Ministries, you are bringing the Jewish people home and helping these new immigrants get planted and rooted in Israel.
USA Watchman of Zion Partner 2024
USA Builder of Zion Partner 2023
ICEJ Newsletter September 2024
ICEJ Newsletter August 2024