We really need to see the works of God in this generation. And those works will only happen through us, the Body of Christ. And so we must have a new revelation of God’s grace. Why? Because the works are God’s and not ours. And they are for God’s glory and not ours. This must be our absolute and permanent conviction: the only reason we can do God’s works at all is by His grace. It is by His grace, which is sufficient for us, that His power will be released.
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We are believing for God’s power to be manifested through the Body of Christ. But we also know that the more God anoints us to perform miracles, signs, and healings, the more difficult it becomes to separate ourselves from the works happening by our hands. We have seen it many times in the history of the Church that people start focusing on and glorifying an individual who is moving in God. When that happens the anointing from God dissipates and eventually goes away.
When people began to attribute to Yeshua (Jesus) the works He was doing, He was very firm to respond, “These works you see me doing are not mine. They are the Father’s works only.” And we need something in our hearts where we are absolutely convinced that whatever is happening through us is God moving to glorify Himself. And it is only by His grace that we are involved in it at all.
According to the apostle John, “Of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace.” And the more of Christ’s fullness that we receive, the more His grace needs to be multiplied in our lives, until there is no question in our minds that we can do anything of ourselves; we can only do what Christ has given us to do. By this grace Christ glorified the Father through the greatest works ever seen. By this grace Paul labored mode abundantly than all the apostles. Let us reach into this grace today and see Christ glorified in His Body.
Key Verses:
- Isaiah 48:11–12. “For My own sake, I will act.”
- John 5:18–20. “The Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing.”
- John 5:30. “I can do nothing on My own initiative.”
- John 17:4. “I glorified You on the earth, having accomplished the work which You have given Me to do.”
- John 20:21. “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”
- John 14:12. “He who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do.”
- John 1:15–16. “Of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace.”
- Romans 11:6. “If it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace.”
- 1 Corinthians 15:7–10. “By the grace of God I am what I am.”
- 2 Corinthians 12:7–9. “My grace is sufficient for you.”
- 2 Corinthians 13:14. “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ … be with you all.”
- Acts 4:23–31. “They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness.”
- Acts 4:32–33. “And abundant grace was upon them all.”
- “There has to be, according to the Scriptures, a Body of Christ that’s moving in the power and the awesome things of God.”
- “Here’s a good place to start having the mind of Christ: ‘I can do nothing on my own initiative.’ We are incapable of anything. The works are not our works. It is God working, and Him working through human instruments.”
- “I think the key gift is grace. Because if we’re filled with grace—if we have a solid revelation of the grace of God being the only thing in our lives—I think then all of the gifts follow that.”
- We are believing for God to move through our intercession. But in everything God is getting ready to do, He is going to glorify Himself. We need to always keep that picture before us. What is God doing? He is glorifying Himself among the nations. He is glorifying Himself before all creation.
- When the works of God start happening, people start following the person performing those works. It becomes difficult in the eyes of the world to keep the focus on God and not on man. Therefore, it must be real to us that it is only by the grace of God that we have any involvement in His works.
- God is glorified by His works. And just as the Father sent Christ into the world to do His works, Christ has sent us into the world to do even greater works. That is why we must have a new powerful revelation of the grace of God in our lives that is continually expanding as we grow in God.