Israel at War—Rally to Her Needs- Episode 167

Oct 23, 2023

During the assault taking place against Israel, let us pray for divine intervention. We want divine intervention for the hostages. We want divine intervention for the IDF. And we want divine intervention that sees the truth prevail over the lies and disinformation that is being spread in this age.

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Now more than ever, Christians must be diligent to pray for and support Israel. This current war is in response to one of the worst attacks against the Israelis in modern history, and it is bringing to light the reality that Israel always faces. Satan is always trying to shove the people of Israel into a corner that is impossible to get out of. We see this in the way that Hamas uses people as human shields, and the media consistently blame Israel regardless of the facts.

The absolute intention of satan is to destroy Israel, and we as Christians need to be engaged in this conflict. We do not engage militarily, but we had better be engaged in the spiritual warfare. The weapons we have are mighty in God for the tearing down of strongholds and the destruction of principalities, powers, and demonic forces. And we need to be exercising these effective tools that God has given us. As watchers on the wall who are reminding the Lord, we are contending to see His divine intervention for Israel at this time.

At Hargrave Ministries we are driven to publish the call for intercession, spread the truth about Israel, and provide material support for the Israeli people. We have recently added two new pages to our website. One page provides links to charity organizations that we have vetted and have a relationship with. We know that our contributions to these organizations go to help those in need in Israel. The second page will include interviews and videos that present the truth about the history of Israel and the facts of what is happening there. Please visit our site and join with us in our faith for God’s Words over Israel to be fulfilled.

Key Verses:

  • Psalm 91:1–16. “He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him.”
  • Isaiah 61:1–3. “The Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted.”
  • 2 Corinthians 10:4. “The weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.”
  • Isaiah 62:6. “On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen … who remind the LORD.”


  • “I am driven to see us in our prayers really contend for God to move supernaturally in this situation and that there be divine intervention in a way that only God can. I think the situation needs that. And I think Israel deserves that.”
  • “There has never been historically an army that has the integrity and the carefulness that Israel has, especially with respect to protecting those who are innocent, even though their enemy is hiding within the houses of the innocent and using them as a shield.”
  • “During these days of war in Israel, we will continue to send the contributions that we do. Each one of these eight nonprofit organizations receives from us a monthly offering, not just one of them each month. All of them each month receive set funds that we give. If nobody gives to Hargrave Ministries, we still give to these organizations on a monthly basis.”


  1. We believe that the prophecies and promises of the Scriptures exist for Israel and they will be fulfilled for Israel. We also know that this has been a difficult and wicked attack beyond anything the world has seen in recent times. And we contend that the provisions of God’s presence and covering and protection and victory be given to Israel today.
  2. Let the promises in Psalm 91 and Isaiah 61 guide your intercession during this critical time. Take these Scriptures and read them into the realm of spirit, reminding the Lord that we are looking to see His divine intervention for Israel in the events that are taking place.
  3. We recognize that this is also a media war that is spreading across the world, and the lies and disinformation are absolutely amazing. One of the biggest issues in this situation will be lies versus the truth. Be careful what you read. Be careful what you believe. Do your own personal due diligence to confirm the information.



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