Should Christians Celebrate the Jewish Feasts? – Episode 02

Sep 10, 2020

Jewish feasts commemorate times of blessing and sorrow. The Hebrew Scriptures describe their practice, but should Christians celebrate them as well? Explore Old and New Testament passages in this podcast episode that demonstrate the blessing of Hebrew Feasts for Jews and Gentiles alike.

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Show Notes:

The Jewish calendar is marked with times of fasting and feasting to remember the Lord and the history of the Jewish people. The significance of these celebrations and times of mourning are an open door for Christian believers in Yeshua (Jesus) to enter into a deeper participation with God and His people.


We should recognize these days with great anticipation.
God has prescribed these appointed times and will meet us.”


The Old Testament outlines the purpose of each of these feasts and times of fasting. The early church, as seen in the Acts of the Apostles and Paul’s writings, celebrated these events with dedication.


The feasts are eternal events that will be celebrated in history.”


As believers in the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua, we are invited to experience our spiritual history as children of God. Celebrating the Feasts today as Christian believers pleases the Lord and invites His presence in a unique and powerful way.


It is without question that we should be celebrating, with anticipation.”


Key Verses:

  • Yeshua (Jesus) went to Jerusalem during the Feasts.
    • Luke 2:41–42. Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem every year.
    • John 2:13. Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
    • John 2:23, 5:1. Jesus was in Jerusalem during the Passover.
    • John 7:2-10. It was dangerous for Jesus to go up to the Feast of Tabernacles, but he still went.
    • John 10:22-23. Jesus went to the Feast of Dedication.


  • The Apostle Paul scheduled his time to participate in the feasts.
    • Acts 20:16. Paul hurried to be in Jerusalem for Pentecost.
    • 1 Cor 16:7-9. Paul scheduled to be in Ephesus for Pentecost.


  • Acts 2:1. The birth of the church was on the Day of Pentecost.


  • Zechariah 14:16-19. A prophet proclaimed that Gentiles would celebrate the feasts.



  • “Even though it was dangerous for Yeshua to go into Jerusalem (to attend the feast), he still went up at the prescribed time.”
  • “The endowment of the Spirit, the giving of authority and power to spread the Gospel, came on the day of Pentecost.”
  • “We should have tremendous anticipation. God will show us things in his Word that we have never seen.”



  • I believe celebrating the feasts today as Christian believers is pleasing to the Lord we serve.
    • As Christians, Jewish history is our spiritual history.
    • Yeshua (Jesus) and his family celebrated the feasts.
    • Paul celebrated the feasts.
    • Paul encouraged Gentiles to celebrate the Passover.
    • The church was born on Pentecost.
    • It was prophesied that the Gentile nations will celebrate the feasts.


  • Pray, look to the Lord, and consider if you should celebrate the Jewish calendar.

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