Christ came into this earth as the Word made flesh. We too, having received of His fullness, must grow by grace until we as members of His body are the fullness of Him who fills all things. We too must become in this age the Word made flesh. That is what will have the power and authority that we need to move in the greater works that He has promised.
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How amazing it is that the Word of God is so available to us today! We simply have to pick it up and read it. And that is only possible because of the generations of Jewish and Christian scribes who preserved it by faithfully writing it down. When Moses first inscribed that Word in stone, it came with such glory that his face shone, and he had to hide his face with a veil. Today there is still a glory that manifests in the Bible, the written Word. Yet God is looking for something even greater.
He is looking for a greater glory and a greater manifestation of that Word to be more impactful and effective. God is wanting more than His Word engraved on tablets of stone—something outside of us that we know or study. He wants His Word engraved on the tablets of our hearts until we become, as Christ was, the Word made flesh.
That is what He was looking for when He brought Christ to dwell with us. Something had to express His Word to humanity in such a way that the Word could be implanted in us. And the Word implanted in our hearts is to grow until we are the mature expression of that Word as Christ was. And that is what we reach for. We want Him to write His Word on our hearts by the Spirit. We want the veil removed so that we can behold Him as He is and be transformed into His image.
Key Verses:
- John 1:14–18. “The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us.”
- John 1:1–5. “He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him.”
- 2 Corinthians 3:1–3. “You are a letter of Christ … on tablets of human hearts.”
- 2 Corinthians 3:4–18. “We all, with unveiled face … are being transformed into the same image.”
- 1 Peter 1:23. “You have been born again … through the living and enduring word of God.”
- Ephesians 4:11–13. “He gave some … to the building up of the body of Christ.”
- John 1:16. “Of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace.”
- Ephesians 1:18–23. “The church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.”
- “Even what Moses did—as tremendous as it was being the expression to write that Word, to speak that Word, to give that Word to the children of Israel—the power was not there to release mankind into being likewise this expression of the Word of God.”
- “He is not looking for us to be teachers of the Word, to be scholars of the Word, to be believers in the Word, to be those who are witnesses by testimony of that Word; He’s looking for us to be as Christ was.”
- “He was the Word made flesh; and we likewise are to attain to that knowledge of the Son of God, to that mature man, to that measure of stature which belonged to Him. We’re to come into His fullness.”
- God created the heavens and the earth by His Word. Then He gave His Word to Moses to speak to the sons of Israel. Since then God’s Word has been recorded and preserved. So we have the Word of God. But something had to express the Word of God to humanity in such a way that the Word could be implanted in us. That is why God gave us His Son, who was the Word made flesh.
- When we understand this, we understand what Christ really was. And then we can begin to understand what it is God is looking to impart through Christ manifesting as that Word of God. He is looking for the Word implanted in us to grow until each of us likewise becomes the Word made flesh.
- The reason for the Church and the ministries God gave to the Church is to build up the Body of Christ until we grow into a mature man, to the measure of the stature that belongs to the fullness of Christ.