To the Weary and Heavy Laden -Episode 219

Oct 21, 2024

Let us come to Christ and learn of Him. Let us take on His yoke. Let us change our whole approach to walking with Him. Instead of stressing and struggling and carrying a burden He has not put on us, let us enter His rest. His works are already finished. And it is not our job to do new works or to pray for new things. We are simply to be the expression of what He has already created.

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Show Notes:

After years of serving the Lord, do you feel weary? Do you feel a heaviness? Are you weighed down by all the burdens you carry? That means you need to try a different approach. Yeshua (Jesus) said, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” It comes back to the fact that we need to enter His rest. We need to remember the Sabbath.

When you remember the Sabbath, what are you remembering? You are remembering that God has already completed everything He has promised. So if you are stressed out from serving the Lord, consider that your stress is from working so hard to bring the manifestation of His promises that you are doing your own works—not the works He has completed.

Yeshua said that He could do nothing of Himself. He only did the works of His Father. And He told us to learn of Him. When we do that, we will find rest for our souls. We need to come to Christ and learn of Him because He knew how to be in God’s rest. And we need to know how to do that. Let us change our approach. Instead of being those who are struggling and straining to do the will of God, let us be those who are bringing into this moment all that God has already provided.

Key Verses:

  • Matthew 11:27–30. “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”
  • Jeremiah 31:25. “For I satisfy the weary ones and refresh everyone who languishes.”
  • Hebrews 4:1–3. “We who have believed enter that rest.”
  • Psalm 95:9–11. “Your fathers tested Me, they tried Me, though they had seen My work.”
  • Matthew 4:5–7. “It is written, ‘YOU SHALL NOT PUT THE LORD YOUR GOD TO THE TEST.’”
  • Hebrews 4:9–10. “The one who has entered His rest has himself also rested from his works.”
  • John 5:19. “The Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing.”


  • “When you look at the world, it’s languishing right now. We should be the ones who are imparting the refreshing of God’s presence. But we can’t impart what we don’t have.”
  • “God gets angry when you test Him. Why? Because we should already know He’s God. We should already absolutely know beyond a shadow of a doubt who He is and what He is capable of in our lives.”
  • “What do we remember on the Sabbath? We remember that everything we need, everything we’re believing for is already done.”


  • We are not supposed to be weary, under a heavy burden, and stressed out in our walk with God. Yeshua is saying, “All you who feel this way, come to Me, and learn a new way. Learn a different approach. Learn of Me because My yoke is easy.”
  • This is necessary for us because the longer we walk with God, the more our tendency is to say, “I believe. But can God really do what I believe?” We have seen enough in our years of walking with God that our faith in Him should be absolute. And we must not put God to the test like those who failed in the wilderness by challenging His ability.
  • It is all about the Sabbath. The Sabbath was established because God finished His work. And we must come to the realization that everything God is going to bring is already done. We should not be praying for God to do things in the future. We should be manifesting His finished work.

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