Why We Wait Upon the Lord – Episode 79

Feb 15, 2022

Why do we wait upon the Lord? We wait because of the metamorphosis that takes place in our lives by the Word of God. We are waiting upon Him, but when we connect our waiting to the promises and prophecies of Scripture, a change occurs in us and for us. Our waiting literally connects the invisible realm of the Word spoken by God to the natural realm in which we live.

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As we wait upon the Lord, we are waiting primarily for the return of Christ. That is the root of what it means to wait on the Lord. However, as we wait for Him, specific promises will manifest in our own lives.


When we wait on the Word spoken by God and by His prophets, a metamorphosis takes place. We are changed. We are prepared in our walk with the Lord. We are prepared for His presence. We are prepared for His appearing. We are prepared to receive fulfillment of the prophecies and the Words God has given us. Because of that, things transpire accordingly.


This happens by a true meditation on His Word. We are not trying to free our minds from thoughts. On the contrary, we fill our minds with the thoughts that are created by His Words. We repeat His Words. We speak again every Word that he has given us. We are waiting for the fulfillment of every promise, every prophecy, every provision that is in the Word of God. He is looking for us to engage with His Word, to have a hope in His Word that locks us into the fulfilling of that Word, both within our lives and surrounding our lives.


Key Verses:


  • Matthew 24:32-34. “Recognize that He is near, right at the door.”
  • Matthew 24:42-44. “Therefore, be on the alert.”
  • Luke 12:35-37. “Be dressed in readiness and keep your lamps lit.”
  • 2 Peter 3:1-13. “Looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God.”
  • Romans 8:18-25. “With perseverance we wait eagerly for it.”
  • Philippians 1:20. “According to my earnest expectation and hope.”
  • Isaiah 40:30-31. “Those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength.”
  • Isaiah 49:22-23. “Those who hopefully wait for me will not be put to shame.”
  • Lamentations 3:22-26. “The Lord is good to those who wait for Him.”
  • Hosea 12:6. “Observe kindness and justice, and wait for your God continually.”
  • Micah 7:7. “I will watch expectantly … I will wait for the God of my salvation.”
  • Zephaniah 3:8-9. “‘Therefore, wait for Me,’ declares the Lord.”
  • Psalm 133:1-3. “For there the Lord commanded the blessing—life forever.”
  • 1 Corinthians 4:5. “Wait until the Lord comes.”
  • Psalm 130:5-6. “My soul waits for the Lord more than … for the morning.”
  • Psalm 119:114. “I wait for your Word.”
  • Psalm 119:147-148. “That I may meditate on Your Word.”
  • Habakkuk 2:1-3. “Though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come.”




  • “We don’t just wait on the Lord as some type of meditation. We are waiting on the Lord for very specific fulfillments of promises and Words that God has given us.”
  • “We are encouraged to be on the alert. We are encouraged to wait. Why? Because the waiting opens up the revelation and the perception for us to see what God is doing.”
  • “Those who wait on the Lord will be able to see the light of the revelation that God has not finished with His people. In fact, He will lift them up and He will carry them on the shoulders and bring them back into the land of Israel into the promises.”




  1. We wait upon the Lord because it is our strength. It is the equipping of our lives with what we need to do the will of God in our generation. Learn to wait on Him, search the Scriptures and find and connect with those things that are to take place.
  2. Wait in faith, wait on the alert, wait with anticipation and earnest expectation that God’s Words are not being delayed. They hasten toward the goal and their fulfillment is right at the door.
  3. Be on the alert. Don’t run out of oil. Don’t say it’s been too long. The Word of God is faithful. His Word will fulfill itself. His word does not return to him void without accomplishing that which he sent it to do (Isaiah 55:11).
  4. We wait for Him because by doing so, we hasten the day of His appearing. And as we wait for Him, we must also believe to be equipped by his Word, filled with His Word until it becomes part of our lives and manifests through our lives.

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