Topical Study Guides

Our Study Guides are being used by many for both individual and small group study. We believe these free downloadable resources authored by Gary Hargrave will strengthen, equip, and encourage you today!

God’s Past and Future Is Your Present

The Blind Men, the Elephant and the Church

It Is Written of You

The End of the Story

Made Perfect Through Suffering

Can Protestants Be United With Catholics?

The Bride of Christ

The End of Our Testing

The Kingdom of God is a War of Words

When It Is Beyond Impossible

Forgive and Be Forgiven

Who Really Crucified Christ?

Now The Saints Possess The Kingdom

God’s Word is Personal

Understanding the Great Tribulation

The Kingdom Manifests by Authority

Preparations for the Days of Anointing

True Faith of the Biblical Celebrations

Christ Our Atonement

Covenant with God to Change This Age

Covenant with God to Change This Age

Understanding End-Time Events

Understanding End-Time Events

Those Who Stand in the Presence of the Lord

Those Who Stand in the Presence of the Lord

Experience the Awe of His Presence

Experience the Awe of His Presence

Redemption: God’s Answer to Every Problem

Satan's Tactic Against The Church

Satan’s Tactic Against the Church

The Greatest Force in the Universe

Develop a Relationship with the Holy Spirit

Develop a Relationship with the Holy Spirit

2022-12-The Witness and the Works

The Witness and the Works

2022-11-Do You Trust Gods Motivation

Do You Trust God’s Motivation?

Atonement-Our Promise of Sanctification

Atonement: Our Promise of Sanctification

Shuvah – The Nations Return To God

It's Time To Reveal His Presence

It’s Time To Reveal His Presence

From the Dungeon to the Throne

From The Dungeon To The Throne

Pentecost: Power To Be His Witnesses

Pentecost: Power To Be His Witnesses

Pentecost: Hearts Changed to Do His Will

Pentecost: Hearts Changed to Do His Will

Christianity and the Holocaust

Christianity and the Holocaust

Passover The Feast of New Covenants

Decree a Purim Deliverance for Today

Decree a Purim Deliverance for Today

God Will Fulfill His Word Over Israel

God Will Fulfill His Word Over Israel

An Army of Women Like the Sand of the Sea

Let Your Light Shine Before Men

Christ the Firstborn of the Family

What Is the Will of God for Me

Shine Like the Sun

The Feast of Ingathering

The Secret of Effective Prayer

Shout for Joy to Reverse the Impossible

Breaking the Chains of Darkness

Breaking the Chains of Darkness

Faith That Works Miracles

Inspired by God – The Unshakable Truth of the Bible

End Division: Empower the Church

God’s 50-Day Recipe to Change the World

Christ: The First Fruits of Resurrection

The Feast of Purim

The Biblical Feasts

Releasing the Double Portion Blessing

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