God Is Preparing Us for His Appearing

God Is Preparing Us for His Appearing

The weeks between Passover and Pentecost are a special time that God works with the spirits of His people. Those fifty days were probably the most challenging and confusing days the disciples had ever lived. They ate the Passover meal with Yeshua (Jesus), went to the...
The Counting of the Omer

The Counting of the Omer

Known as the Counting of the Omer, the seven weeks between Passover and Shavuot or Pentecost commemorate the Exodus from Egypt and link it to the celebration of God giving the Torah to Moses at Mount Sinai. The word omer means “sheaf,” and an omer was an ancient unit...
This Passover Changes the World

This Passover Changes the World

Passover is the night of God’s miracles. It is the night of His authority. What happens on this night can only happen by the hand of God and by His sovereignty. I want us to feel a oneness with the Jewish people around the world as we enter in with them at this...